Day 25: The Eternal Power That Creates Everything for His Glory


Romans 1:20

We use Romans 1:20 to point out that those who do not believe are without excuse. But there is also a sense that people who have not heard of Jesus can be drawn to a reality clearly seen. Their hearts can be moved to long for what they cannot fully grasp but know must be real and true. Creator God has “placed eternity in their hearts,” putting them in a position to respond. Ours is the privilege of making Jesus known among them!

Paul says the glory of creation is summed up in the reality that God’s eternal power and divine nature have been fully revealed. God is all-powerful, creating out of nothing. The Father spoke the Word inJesus, and by the power of the Spirit, there was light. No lesser explanation gives justice to the reality of creation. No other explanation captures the awe of our existence!

God is sufficient. He is more than enough! There is order overwhelming chaos and beauty overwhelming brokenness. Creation is groaning under the curse of sin, but groaning with hope because, through Christ, all will be renewed to His glory!

God is sustaining. He is at work for the good of those who love Him, and the good He is working impacts the whole of creation. The Garden City is coming! The signposts are everywhere! And when we see it, we are overwhelmed with a cry of glorious praise. He is for us. His eternal power and divine nature tell us so!


Reflection Prayer

Father, there is much that burdens our hearts. Intercession for others and petition for ourselves is always on the tip of our tongues. Confession and direction come as we listen for Your Spirit’s still, small voice. But foundational to it all is our cry of indestructible praise for who You are and what You have done. Remind us today of specific examples in our lives of Your power, sufficiency, and sustenance. Remind us of Your love, compassion, and grace through creation! Give us a glimpse of worship around Your throne, when all is renewed. Amen.



Week 4: The Power of God

Creation is a profound demonstration of God’s omnipotent power and His ability to create something new out of nothing. The intrinsic nature of creation not only demonstrates the infinite wisdom of the omniscient God, but also demonstrates the authoritative power of His Word, with which the entirety of creation was made. We read throughout the Scriptures about the manifestation of God’s power time after time as He moves to fulfill His plan and purpose for His chosen ones. He is naturally supernatural. His Word reveals that He is above and beyond seasons, circumstances, human realities, and the forces of darkness. His power has no comparison.

— Isaac Charles


Tim Miller

Tim and his wife, Marlene, have served together with The Alliance for over 40 years. Thirty-seven of those years have been in the local pastorate and another four in a district-related capacity. They are the parents of four daughters and three sons-in-law and the delighted grandparents of six grandchildren . . . so far!


Day 26: The Life-Changing Power That Calls New Things Into Existence


Day 24: The Divine Power That Makes Anything Possible