Day 27: The Resurrecting Power That Raises Dead to Eternal Life


Ephesians 1:18–22

A presidential inauguration is a substantial moment because it vests the power of the presidency in one person. You may be anticipating—or fearing—how this president will wield that power.

In his prayer at the end of Ephesians 1, Paul makes clear that the power of presidency pales in comparison to the power of God, which he describes as “incomparable and mighty” (Eph. 1:19). The same power that raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at the right hand in the heavenly realms is no less active in our world today.

You may be thinking, but Paul didn’t know our situation. That’s true, but he knew the strength of worldly power all too well. He wrote this letter from a Roman jail. He was unjustly imprisoned in the world’s most powerful empire based on trumped-up charges brought on by religious leaders who yearned more for worldly power than heavenly connection. Rather than dwell on his circumstances, however, Paul prayed for our hearts to be enlightened so we could know the hope, riches, and power that supersede earthly rulers, principalities, and authorities.

In what power are you placing your hope? The same power that resurrected Christ is reaching into people’s lives so that they, too, can experience His resurrection power. The same power that placed all things under His feet may be preparing to renew the Church in ways we don’t believe are possible. Let’s pray in faith as we anticipate how God might move—and for eyes to see how He is already moving.


Reflection Prayer

Lord, You alone are worthy of our praise. I pray that the eyes of my heart may be enlightened so that I may know the hope to which You have called me and the riches of Your glorious inheritance. Help me to focus on Your Kingdom. Guide me to renew my faith and trust in Your incomparable power daily. Amen.



Week 4: The Power of God

Creation is a profound demonstration of God’s omnipotent power and His ability to create something new out of nothing. The intrinsic nature of creation not only demonstrates the infinite wisdom of the omniscient God, but also demonstrates the authoritative power of His Word, with which the entirety of creation was made. We read throughout the Scriptures about the manifestation of God’s power time after time as He moves to fulfill His plan and purpose for His chosen ones. He is naturally supernatural. His Word reveals that He is above and beyond seasons, circumstances, human realities, and the forces of darkness. His power has no comparison.

— Isaac Charles


Scott Kubie

Scott serves as the president of Orchard Alliance.


Day 28: The Reigning Power That Draws Multitudes to His Throne


Day 26: The Life-Changing Power That Calls New Things Into Existence