Day 40: His Throne of Grace
Hebrews 4:15-16
Grace—our personal invitation to enter the presence of God with confidence. A gift won for us by Jesus, defeating everything that, if it wasn’t for Him, would prevent us from running into the Throne Room like a little child. Our ability to approach Him is not the result of any adequate measure of faith we muster up throughout our lifetime but is rather due to His steady, immovable, never-changing grace.
We have individual provision of His grace because Jesus knows exactly what we experience and exactly what we need, for He Himself has walked through everything we face and more. Because “we do not have a great high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses” (Heb. 4:15), the grace available to us in Jesus is not a distant handout but is instead daily, personal, and sustaining. Jesus has met every temptation yet resisted in every way, living without sin so that we can know freedom to the fullest—our complete, unhindered access to the throne of God, which we visit to receive His mercies extended to us anew every morning. If we have accepted His gift of grace that brings us there, nothing has the ability to take away our access to His throne—for there exists nothing stronger than the blood of Jesus.
Reflection Prayer
Lord God, thank You for Your good gift of grace that is personal and abundant. Thank You that You are not distant, unrelatable, or separated but instead intimate, empathetic, and connected. Help me to have confidence to approach Your throne like a child, bringing every concern, request, and joy to You. I pray that I would be daily more in awe of the grace that You lavish on me and that I would be daily more desirous to enter Your Throne Room with boldness. Amen.
Week 6: The Grace and Mercy of God
The attributes of our great God are many, but His grace and mercy are perhaps two of His most generous. By His grace, and through His mercy, we have been saved—as He not only offers us salvation but secures it. Grace is a gift, and it is by His mercy that we receive such. The Greek word for grace is χάρις, meaning, “of the merciful kindness by which God, exerting His holy influence upon souls, turns them to Christ.” The Greek word for mercy is ἔλεος, meaning, “kindness or good will towards the miserable and the afflicted, joined with a desire to help them.” In so knowing the Lord, we recognize His kindness in loving us enough to offer Himself generously. May we love Him deeper as we know Him more.
— Hannah Castro