Day 19: Who Has the Upper Hand? Reflecting on the Authority of God


Acts 4:27–28

By the time we get to Acts 4, Jesus’ promised Holy Spirit power to witness is at work. The disciples are performing signs and proclaiming the Resurrection. Lives are being made whole, the church is growing rapidly, and opposition to the gospel is fierce.

After Peter and John heal a lame beggar, the religious leaders arrested and threatened them with worse if they kept preaching Jesus. Politely refusing, Peter and John returned to their friends to share what happened. Their prayer gives clarity as to their perspective and earnest desire.

The coordinated rebellion against God of Psalm 2 was on display when nations united to crucify Jesus. “Why do they do this?” the psalmist asks. Acts 4 tells us it is because the plan of God had predetermined it would happen. Evil’s plot was in vain. Our sovereign God leveraged evil to bring salvation to the very rebels plotting against Him and His Anointed One.

This depiction of God’s sovereignty reminds us that evil cannot thwart the purposes of God. It instructs our perspective on the opposition we may face and the opposition being faced by brothers and sisters around the world. Evil opposition is not the greatest hindrance to the advancing Kingdom, but perhaps our own fear and silence are.

So, we ask God for boldness to witness in the face of threats, mistreatment, even death itself because God will not let evil stop His plans—so neither should we.


Reflection Prayer

Father, I take great courage knowing Your plans will come to pass exactly as You have determined. I confess that sometimes I fear opposition, remain silent, and shrink back. I confess that sometimes I give evil too much credit and forget who is actually in power. Please help me to remember who is on the throne. Please give me boldness to proclaim Jesus to the lost and dying, hoping to see rebels become friends, no matter the cost to my own well-being. Amen.



Week 3: The Sovereignty of God

Things don’t often go according to the ways that we want them to. Life is full of twists and turns. In times of unexpected changes, our faith in a sovereign God serves as a compass to guide us through uncertainty. We can steadfastly hold onto the Lord’s great plans as it makes a profound impact on directing our lives. He orchestrates our schedules, even with abrupt life redirections. Reflecting reveals His unseen control and thereby strengthens our faith. Trust in God’s sovereignty, despite disruptions, as He shapes your journey.

— Kevin Pies


Matt Cyr

Matt lives in southeast Wisconsin with his wife, Elyse, and two young children. He serves as a workplace chaplain with Corporate Chaplains of America. His passion is to lead and equip the local church to fulfill the Great Commission of King Jesus.


Day 20: My Sovereign God’s Design: Embracing His Divine Plan


Day 18: This is My Father’s World: Declaring the Power of Creation