Day 22: The Supernatural Power That Overrides Human Limitations
Genesis 18:14
“Is anything too hard for the Lord?” These are the words of today’s text, Genesis 18:14. In answer to this question, any good Christian would say “No!” But do we really posture ourselves like we believe
I think we could rightly say that our best experience of this truth, “Nothing is too hard for the Lord,” is predicated on us most fully abiding in Christ (John 15). Of course, the power of God is complete and is not dependent upon my abiding. However, my fullest experience of His strength is best appropriated as I abide in Jesus.
I was recently in a building that had a problem with pigeons. The owners had placed a realistic looking plastic owl in one window frame. I watched numerous pigeons cluster around the powerless owl and coo songs of laughter and disdain. Why? The owl looked good, it appeared to be real, but it was powerless. It lacked presence. It had no life. The pigeons discerned the truth quickly. Hence, the owl had no power nor effect.
Sometimes, when I fail to abide in Christ, I may look noble and spiritual, but a closer inspection reveals that the “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” presence is lacking from my life. Therefore, at those moments, I am a powerless pretender.
Let’s strive, not to serve more, but to abide more deeply. Then we will hear the echoes of Jesus, “With man this is impossible; but with God all things are possible” (Matt. 19:26).
Reflection Prayer
Abba, we are grateful that You are “God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth” who also reigns in and through our lives. Thank You that the tapestry of Your power is woven through with the fullness of love, grace, joy, and goodness. We once again surrender ourselves to You, the Vine, acknowledging that “apart from You, we can do nothing.” Fill us afresh with the fullness of Your Holy Spirit. May our lives, like creation, be a billboard of Your power and presence. Amen.
Week 4: The Power of God
Creation is a profound demonstration of God’s omnipotent power and His ability to create something new out of nothing. The intrinsic nature of creation not only demonstrates the infinite wisdom of the omniscient God, but also demonstrates the authoritative power of His Word, with which the entirety of creation was made. We read throughout the Scriptures about the manifestation of God’s power time after time as He moves to fulfill His plan and purpose for His chosen ones. He is naturally supernatural. His Word reveals that He is above and beyond seasons, circumstances, human realities, and the forces of darkness. His power has no comparison.
— Isaac Charles