Day 21: Revealing the Ultimate Authority: Who is in Charge Here?


Colossians 1:16–17

Look at the chaos in the world! From wars to riots to out-of-control classrooms to governments, it seems that no one is in charge. We anxiously drink our coffee worrying about life’s uncertainty. Our low view is deceiving.

Jesus is in charge! Paul tells us Jesus is sovereign at every level—spiritual, political, physical, and ecclesiastical. What threatens your peace? Everyone has a phobia. Is it a natural disaster? Jesus is in charge of nature. Are you afraid the government will disintegrate into chaos? Jesus will direct human history to serve His purpose. Jesus is the King of Kings. Jesus is not only sovereign, He is omnipotent and infinitely wise. He knows what to do and is able to do it.

American evangelist and author, Greg Laurie, said, “If you have a big God, you will have small problems. If you have big problems, then you have a small God.” Is Jesus first in your worldview? If Jesus really has supremacy, you can rest and not be fearful.


Reflection Prayer

Sovereign Lord Jesus, teach my heart to fear only You, trust only You, and to rest in You alone. May Your omnipotence and sovereign control of my life and of human events fill my mind so that I trust rather than stress. I surrender my fears and anxious thoughts to Your Spirit of peace living within me. You are my King, my Protector, my Provider, my Healer, and my Lord. Amen.



Week 3: The Sovereignty of God

Things don’t often go according to the ways that we want them to. Life is full of twists and turns. In times of unexpected changes, our faith in a sovereign God serves as a compass to guide us through uncertainty. We can steadfastly hold onto the Lord’s great plans as it makes a profound impact on directing our lives. He orchestrates our schedules, even with abrupt life redirections. Reflecting reveals His unseen control and thereby strengthens our faith. Trust in God’s sovereignty, despite disruptions, as He shapes your journey.

— Kevin Pies


Chuck Tyree

Chuck is lead pastor of Norwich Alliance Church in Connecticut. A Norwich police chaplain for 10 years, Chuck is a law enforcement council instructor and critical incident management team member. He wrote, James, The Righteous Life God Requires and is a husband and father.


Day 22: The Supernatural Power That Overrides Human Limitations


Day 20: My Sovereign God’s Design: Embracing His Divine Plan