Day 16: Who Had the Living God? Acknowledging His Reign


Psalm 115:3

Many times, and for many reasons, humanity has asked the question, “Where is God?” We have spent an insurmountable amount of time searching to answer this question. Patience, however, is not something in which humanity excels. Humanity’s impatience has led them to answer this question by making their own gods, fabricating them in a conglomeration of images they have seen throughout their lives. However, these images—these “icons”—are nothing more than a figment of humanity’s imagination. They do not hear and do not speak. They do not see, nor feel, nor move, nor act. These icons are nothing more than pale imitations, testaments to the false hopes, promises, and desires of their sculptors.

In our darkest moments, wherein our troubles have encircled us, and all hope seems lost, we may ask, “Where are you, God?” We find hope here: “Our God is in heaven.” While such a statement seems to force us to believe that He is far off, reigning from a realm beyond our reach, the psalmist reminds us that He exists; He is not a figment of our imagination. He is beyond what we can imagine, beyond what we can dream. He is the God who hears, the God who sees, the God who thinks and feels, who moves around us. He is our Good Shepherd. In the moments where we lose sight of Him, He has not lost sight of us.

In all things, whether we see Him or not, He reigns.


Reflection Prayer

Father, You are beyond my understanding and comprehension. When You seem far, my heart, soul, and mind long for You with broken desperation. Part of me knows, without shadows of doubt, that You reign. Nevertheless, there are times when all I can see is the shroud of darkness that embraces me. Show me Your light again and let the only shadow I see be the shadow of Your wing. Remind me of Your presence. Remind me of Your warm embrace. You are mine, and I am Yours. I will never lose hope because You are my God and my King. Amen.



Week 3: The Sovereignty of God

Things don’t often go according to the ways that we want them to. Life is full of twists and turns. In times of unexpected changes, our faith in a sovereign God serves as a compass to guide us through uncertainty. We can steadfastly hold onto the Lord’s great plans as it makes a profound impact on directing our lives. He orchestrates our schedules, even with abrupt life redirections. Reflecting reveals His unseen control and thereby strengthens our faith. Trust in God’s sovereignty, despite disruptions, as He shapes your journey.

— Kevin Pies


Jeff Price

After spending five years in the combat arms, Jeff became a chaplain and is currently serving in the Army Reserves. He and his wife, Megan, live in Indiana and have one daughter. Jeff is passionate about helping others grow deeper in their faith.


Day 17: What Are We Waiting For? Embracing the Promise of Redemption


Day 15: How Long Must We Wait? This is My Sovereign God’s Universe