Day 17: What Are We Waiting For? Embracing the Promise of Redemption
Isaiah 25:8-9
Sobs shook my chest and took my breath away as I walked along the wooded path near our house. On this day, the burden of infertility felt too heavy to bear. Years of waiting felt crushing, waves of sorrow drowned me in hopelessness and despair. As I walked, I cried out to the Lord for relief, for answers, for hope, begging Him to take this burden from me.
I didn’t know it then, but two years later the Lord did take that burden from me and blessed our family with a miracle, the gracious gift of a beautiful baby girl. The joy I felt as I held our daughter for the first time felt overwhelming and indescribable. The sorrow of our waiting seemed brief and minute compared to the elation now filling our souls. However, that joy was just a small taste of God’s goodness compared to what awaits us in eternity. Isaiah reminds us that our current sufferings and tears will one day be wiped away forever. Death will be swallowed up. Hopelessness will be a thing of the past. In that day, we will rejoice in the Lord’s salvation. Our waiting will be over, our trust actualized, our salvation sure, and our joy complete.
So, while tears still stain our faces, let us press on to that glorious day when our faith will be made sight and we will confidently and triumphantly declare, “Behold, this is our God; we waited for Him, and He saved us!”
Reflection Prayer
Father, thank You that this world is not our home and that our tears will not flow forever. We know that You are our sovereign Lord, able to save us from our sorrows and make all things new. While we wait in hopeful expectation, help us keep our hearts and eyes fixed on You. Help us to trust You, even in the midst of our tears. You, Lord, are our trustworthy God, and we rejoice in Your salvation! Amen.
Week 3: The Sovereignty of God
Things don’t often go according to the ways that we want them to. Life is full of twists and turns. In times of unexpected changes, our faith in a sovereign God serves as a compass to guide us through uncertainty. We can steadfastly hold onto the Lord’s great plans as it makes a profound impact on directing our lives. He orchestrates our schedules, even with abrupt life redirections. Reflecting reveals His unseen control and thereby strengthens our faith. Trust in God’s sovereignty, despite disruptions, as He shapes your journey.
— Kevin Pies